8 regulations issued by State Council to strictly control the house pricing
发布于2011-10-24 16:06 | 次阅读
Released on 2011-10-24 16:06 | readings
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1. 各地一季度要公布房价控制目标。2011年各城市人民政府要根据当地经济发展目标、人均可支配收入增长速度和居民住房支付能力,合理确定本地区年度新建住房价格控制目标,并于一季度向社会公布;

2. 增加公共租赁住房供应。通过新建、改建、购买、长期租赁等方式,多渠道筹集保障性住房房源,逐步扩大住房保障制度覆盖面;

3. 对住房不足5年转让者,按销售款全额征税。对个人购买住房不足5年转手交易的,统一按销售收入全额征税。各地要加快建立和完善个人住房信息系统,为依法征税提供基础;

4. 第二套房首付款比例提至60%。对贷款购买第二套住房的家庭,首付款比例不低于60%,贷款利率不低于基准利率的1.1倍。加强对商业银行执行差别化住房信贷政策情况的监督检查,对违规行为严肃处理;

5. 土地两年不开工要收回使用权。对已供房地产用地,超过两年没有取得施工许可证进行开工建设的,及时收回土地使用权,并处以闲置一年以上罚款;今年的商品住房用地供应计划总量原则上不得低于前2年年均实际供应量。

6. 暂停省会城市居民购第三套房。原则上对已有1套住房的当地户籍居民家庭、能够提供当地一定年限纳税证明或社会保险缴纳证明的非当地户籍居民家庭,限购1套住房;对已拥有2套及以上住房的当地户籍居民家庭、拥有1套及以上住房的非当地户籍居民家庭、无法提供一定年限当地纳税证明或社会保险缴纳证明的非当地户籍居民家庭,暂停在本行政区域内向其售房;

7. 如未完成调控目标,政府将被问责。未如期确定并公布本地区年度新建住房价格控制目标、新建住房价格上涨幅度超过年度控制目标或没有完成保障性安居工程目标任务的省(区、市)人民政府,要向国务院作出报告,有关部门根据规定对相关负责人进行问责。对于执行差别化住房信贷、税收政策不到位,房地产相关税收征管不力,以及个人住房信息系统建设滞后等问题,也纳入约谈问责范围。

8. 散布虚假消息要追责。对制造、散布虚假消息的,要追究有关当事人的责任。


On January 26, the Premier Wen Jia bao chaired the State Council executive meeting to determine the 8 policies and regulations on house pricing.

The 8 regulations are followings:

1. Release the objectives of pricing control over the first quarter. According to local economic development objectives, the growth rate of disposable income per capita and residential housing affordability in 2011, the governments of different cities shall set the reasonable objective of new house pricing and release to the public in the first quarter;

2.  Increase the supply of public rental housing. Through new construction, renovation, purchase, and long-term lease, etc., raise affordable housing availability in multiple channels, and gradually expand the coverage of the housing security system;

3. Transfer of the housing less than 5 years, one shall be taxed according to the full amount of sales. For individuals reselling house transactions less than 5 years, the tax shall be decided according to the full amount of sales. Localities shall speed up the establishment and improvement of individual housing information system to provide a basis for the tax law;

4. The second suite’s down payment raised to 60%. On loans to buy second homes, the ratio of down payment shall be no less than 60% and the interest rate shall be no less than 1.1 times of the benchmark rate. Strengthen the supervision and inspection on commercial banks’ credit differentiation policy for housing, and severely deal with the violation of laws;

5. Recover land use rights for the 2-year waste of lands. If the lands used by real estate have not obtained construction permits for more than two years, land use rights shall be timely recovered, and shall be imposed a fine of waste land for more than a year; the total planned supply of commodity housing in principle, shall not be lower than the previous 2 Average annual actual supply.

6. Suspend the capital city residents’ purchase of the third suite. In principle, there is one set of housing only for permanent residents of the local families who already has a set of housing, or non-permanent residents of the local family who can provide a certain number of years of local tax certificate or social insurance contributions under the same condition; for permanent residents of the local family who already have more than 2 sets of housing, non-permanent residents of the local family who have more than 1 set of housing and who cannot provide a certain number of years of local tax certificate or social insurance contributions under the same condition, the trade of housing shall be suspended.

7. Government will be accountable for the incompletion of control objectives. If the annual goal of new housing price control is not identified or published as scheduled in the region, the new housing prices growth rate is over the annual control targets or the province government (autonomous regions and municipalities) has not completed the affordable housing project objectives and tasks, it shall be reported to the State Council, the relevant departments shall require accountability of the responsible person According to regulations. For the insufficient implementation of differential housing credit and tax policies, poor tax collection of real estate-related areas, as well as delayed construction of information systems for individual housing and other issues shall also be included within the scope of accountability.

8. Spreading false news shall be held Responsible. The one who makes and distribute false news shall be held legally responsible.

It was noted that since last April "the notice of State Council about firmly curbing the rapid growth rate of housing prices in some cities" was issued, there was a positive change within the real estate market. The rapid growth rate was curbed. To consolidate and expand the results, gradually solve the housing problems of urban residents, continue to curb speculative investment, and promote stable and healthy development of the real estate market, we must further improve the work of real estate market regulation.



1. 各地一季度要公布房价控制目标。2011年各城市人民政府要根据当地经济发展目标、人均可支配收入增长速度和居民住房支付能力,合理确定本地区年度新建住房价格控制目标,并于一季度向社会公布;

2. 增加公共租赁住房供应。通过新建、改建、购买、长期租赁等方式,多渠道筹集保障性住房房源,逐步扩大住房保障制度覆盖面;

3. 对住房不足5年转让者,按销售款全额征税。对个人购买住房不足5年转手交易的,统一按销售收入全额征税。各地要加快建立和完善个人住房信息系统,为依法征税提供基础;

4. 第二套房首付款比例提至60%。对贷款购买第二套住房的家庭,首付款比例不低于60%,贷款利率不低于基准利率的1.1倍。加强对商业银行执行差别化住房信贷政策情况的监督检查,对违规行为严肃处理;

5. 土地两年不开工要收回使用权。对已供房地产用地,超过两年没有取得施工许可证进行开工建设的,及时收回土地使用权,并处以闲置一年以上罚款;今年的商品住房用地供应计划总量原则上不得低于前2年年均实际供应量。

6. 暂停省会城市居民购第三套房。原则上对已有1套住房的当地户籍居民家庭、能够提供当地一定年限纳税证明或社会保险缴纳证明的非当地户籍居民家庭,限购1套住房;对已拥有2套及以上住房的当地户籍居民家庭、拥有1套及以上住房的非当地户籍居民家庭、无法提供一定年限当地纳税证明或社会保险缴纳证明的非当地户籍居民家庭,暂停在本行政区域内向其售房;

7. 如未完成调控目标,政府将被问责。未如期确定并公布本地区年度新建住房价格控制目标、新建住房价格上涨幅度超过年度控制目标或没有完成保障性安居工程目标任务的省(区、市)人民政府,要向国务院作出报告,有关部门根据规定对相关负责人进行问责。对于执行差别化住房信贷、税收政策不到位,房地产相关税收征管不力,以及个人住房信息系统建设滞后等问题,也纳入约谈问责范围。

8. 散布虚假消息要追责。对制造、散布虚假消息的,要追究有关当事人的责任。


On January 26, the Premier Wen Jia bao chaired the State Council executive meeting to determine the 8 policies and regulations on house pricing.

The 8 regulations are followings:

1. Release the objectives of pricing control over the first quarter. According to local economic development objectives, the growth rate of disposable income per capita and residential housing affordability in 2011, the governments of different cities shall set the reasonable objective of new house pricing and release to the public in the first quarter;

2.  Increase the supply of public rental housing. Through new construction, renovation, purchase, and long-term lease, etc., raise affordable housing availability in multiple channels, and gradually expand the coverage of the housing security system;

3. Transfer of the housing less than 5 years, one shall be taxed according to the full amount of sales. For individuals reselling house transactions less than 5 years, the tax shall be decided according to the full amount of sales. Localities shall speed up the establishment and improvement of individual housing information system to provide a basis for the tax law;

4. The second suite’s down payment raised to 60%. On loans to buy second homes, the ratio of down payment shall be no less than 60% and the interest rate shall be no less than 1.1 times of the benchmark rate. Strengthen the supervision and inspection on commercial banks’ credit differentiation policy for housing, and severely deal with the violation of laws;

5. Recover land use rights for the 2-year waste of lands. If the lands used by real estate have not obtained construction permits for more than two years, land use rights shall be timely recovered, and shall be imposed a fine of waste land for more than a year; the total planned supply of commodity housing in principle, shall not be lower than the previous 2 Average annual actual supply.

6. Suspend the capital city residents’ purchase of the third suite. In principle, there is one set of housing only for permanent residents of the local families who already has a set of housing, or non-permanent residents of the local family who can provide a certain number of years of local tax certificate or social insurance contributions under the same condition; for permanent residents of the local family who already have more than 2 sets of housing, non-permanent residents of the local family who have more than 1 set of housing and who cannot provide a certain number of years of local tax certificate or social insurance contributions under the same condition, the trade of housing shall be suspended.

7. Government will be accountable for the incompletion of control objectives. If the annual goal of new housing price control is not identified or published as scheduled in the region, the new housing prices growth rate is over the annual control targets or the province government (autonomous regions and municipalities) has not completed the affordable housing project objectives and tasks, it shall be reported to the State Council, the relevant departments shall require accountability of the responsible person According to regulations. For the insufficient implementation of differential housing credit and tax policies, poor tax collection of real estate-related areas, as well as delayed construction of information systems for individual housing and other issues shall also be included within the scope of accountability.

8. Spreading false news shall be held Responsible. The one who makes and distribute false news shall be held legally responsible.

It was noted that since last April "the notice of State Council about firmly curbing the rapid growth rate of housing prices in some cities" was issued, there was a positive change within the real estate market. The rapid growth rate was curbed. To consolidate and expand the results, gradually solve the housing problems of urban residents, continue to curb speculative investment, and promote stable and healthy development of the real estate market, we must further improve the work of real estate market regulation.

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